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We envision a global society that respects itself and the needs of nature.

We envision a global society that respects itself and the needs of nature.

About Earthworm

Earthworm Foundation is a non-profit organisation built on values and driven by the desire to positively impact the relationship between people and nature.

With most of our staff operating directly on the ground where the issues are, we work with our members and partners to make value chains an engine of prosperity for communities and ecosystems.

We see a world where forests are a boundless source of materials and a home for biodiversity; communities see their rights respected and have opportunities to develop; workers are seen as productive partners, and agriculture becomes the instrument to feed a hungry planet and keep our climate stable.

Our vision

We envision a global society that respects itself and the needs of nature.

To achieve our vision, we partner with businesses and others with the same goal of solving the social and environmental challenges our world faces, working pragmatically from boardrooms to farms, feet in the field.

Learn more about what we do

Our values

Since its onset as the Tropical Forest Trust down through to its latest evolution as Earthworm Foundation, one thing has remained absolutely fixed in our organisation’s DNA – its VALUES.

Our values are our greatest asset. They guide us forward and serve as the cultural cornerstone, as we interact with our stakeholders and peers. It is no coincidence that the first step in engaging people in our work typically puts values at the centre of the conversation. We strive to live by our values but also inspire others to live by theirs.

Learn more about our core values

The Earthworm Story

Over the years, Earthworm Foundation has changed and evolved, but fundamentally our mission has remained the same; to transform peoples' relationships with nature and with each other. Discover more of our history.


Scott Poynton founds The Tropical Forest Trust with TFT’s first employee working out of an industrial site in England


Our work in Africa certifies an area twice the size of Luxembourg, protecting forest and the rights of indigenous peoples


Working with us, Nestlé pledges to rid deforestation from its supply chain, leading to dozens of similar commitments of other companies

Our people

Board Members

Eric Bouchet

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Saskia Ozinga
Member of the board

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Julie Wynne
Member of the Board

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Pascal Gauthier
Member of the board

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Luc Cardyn
Member of the Board

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Krisztina Bende
Board Member

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Julio J. Copo Terrés
Member of the Board

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Executive team

Bastien Sachet

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Boris Saraber
Director, Operations

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Catharina Plummer
Director, Finance

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Marianne Martinet
Director, Programmes

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Rob McWilliam
Director, Technical Services

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Jotica Sehgal
Director, Communications

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Julien Troussier
Director, Human Resources

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Charlotte Opal
Director, Memberships and Partnerships

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Our members

Members make far-reaching commitments to respect people and nature in their supply chains. They work with us on an ongoing journey of improvement and innovation.

Our partners

We know we can’t tackle deeply-rooted challenges alone. We collaborate with partners in many different ways, from receiving donor funds to developing tools and projects together.

  • ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)
  • ADM
  • Airbus
  • Alcoa Foundation
  • American Forest Foundation
  • APAD
  • Asia Pulp & Paper (APP)
  • Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research
  • Avril Group
  • Biscuits Bouvard
  • Bjorg Bonnettere
  • Blackshore
  • BNP Paribas
  • But International
  • Camargo Corrȇa
  • CIRAD (Agricultural Research Centre for International Development)
  • Defis Ruraux
  • Estice - Université catholique de Lille
  • Fondation Avril
  • French Development Agency
  • Global Rights Compliance
  • HEIVD (Innokick)
  • High Carbon Stock Approach
  • ID Group
  • International Labor Organization (Malaysia)
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • ISARA-Lyon
  • Jeunes Agriculteurs
  • LAMS (Laboratoire Analyses Microbiologiques Sols)
  • Leroy Merlin
  • Lindt Cocoa Foundation
  • LinkUp
  • Maisons du Monde Foundation
  • Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)
  • Melbourne University
  • Mercy Ships
  • Mister Goodfish
  • Monaco Foundation
  • Mondelez
  • Nausicaa
  • NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation)
  • Ocean Mind
  • Open agri food
  • Proparco
  • Relais Desserts
  • Relations Durables
  • Révillon Chocolatier
  • Sabah Labour Department
  • Seedstars
  • SIRS - Systémes d'information à Référence Spatiale
  • SupplyShift
  • Sustainable Finance Geneva
  • Swiss Platform for Sustainable Cocoa
  • Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
  • Tamiang Bupati
  • Terra Isara
  • The Responsible Minerals Initiative
  • The SeedProject
  • Transparence S.A
  • UK Government
  • University of Bern
  • University of Dundee
  • Valrhona
  • Waterloo Foundation
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Sep 23, 2024

Annual Report 2023

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Aug 25, 2023

Annual Report 2022

pdf. 12.0 MB

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Sep 30, 2022

Annual Report 2021

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Aug 4, 2021

Annual Report 2020

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Dec 10, 2020

Annual Report 2019

pdf. 13.7 MB

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Oct 9, 2019

Annual Report 2018

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Mar 3, 2018

Annual report 2017

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Mar 3, 2017

Annual Report 2016

pdf. 4.2 MB

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Mar 3, 2016

Annual report 2015

pdf. 7.0 MB

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Mar 2, 2014

Annual report 2014

pdf. 1.7 MB

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Mar 3, 2014

Annual report 2013

pdf. 4.5 MB

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Mar 1, 2013

Annual report 2012

pdf. 1.9 MB

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