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Member since enero 2014


Carbonex is a French charcoal producer located in the North-East of France. They have a highly efficient carbonisation and co-generation production system.


Carbonex seeks to use the CCS (Charcoal Control System) tool across the company’s entire supply chain to analyse and implement four key pillars: no deforestation, no exploitation, full transparency and full traceability of the supply chain.

Nuestro trabajo

Carbonex produces charcoal from its factory in central France. Together we decided to deploy the CCS (Charcoal Control System) tool across company’s entire supply chain. This tool helps the company pinpoint which improvements can be made by giving a score to these four pillars: no deforestation, no exploitation, full transparency and full traceability of the supply chain. The factory is visited each year, and the CCS is updated, depending on its original CCS score.

In recent years, Carbonex made its business model move. At the start of 2010, Carbonex was importing charcoal from many sources and some of them were controversial. It became an Earthworm Foundation member in 2014, in order to leave more tractability on charcoal importation. In 2017, 100% of Carbonex's supply was checked by Earthworm Foundation using the Charcoal Control System (CCS) and methodology. In 2018, Carbonex raised 65 million Euros to increase charcoal production capacity and stop importing charcoal.

Carbonex’s sources are checked back to the forest using the Charcoal Control System (CCS) that we put into place. Using the CCS, recommendations are given to improve the different aspects linked to responsible charcoal production. Following up on the CCS, we check the progress made over time.

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Noticias e historias

16 abr 2015

Charcoal and Change