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News 3 ago 2020

1-1.5 minute read

As of 1 July 2020, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is no longer a Member of Earthworm Foundation. This is an amicable and mutually agreed decision. EF started working with APP in 2012, when we embarked on a highly ambitious plan with the launch of the Forest Conservation Policy (FCP). Since then, we have supported APP to implement the policy by engaging with personnel at all levels, from APP's CEO to their field staff.

Earthworm believes that APP's leadership and actions are critical to the transformation of the pulp & paper industry. Hence Earthworm and APP will continue to collaborate on specific transformation work. This includes collaborative conservation management in Riau and associated stakeholder engagement. Earthworm encourages stakeholders to seek updates directly from APP on the progress against their action plan and wider compliance against their Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) commitment.

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Areas de trabajo:
Bosques saludables

Papel y celulosa

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