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News 21 dic 2010

As of January 2019, TFT has become Earthworm Foundation.

After 4 months of theoretical training followed by five months in the field, the seven students from the second CSE promotion came back to the CSE to each write up two documents: an academic thesis and an internship report for the company which hosted them.

The seven students’ internship covered the following subjects:

The evaluation of the communication tools in the Congolaise Industrielle des Bois – CIB (FSC certified forest company in Congo-Brazzaville).

The evaluation of the impacts of radio Biso na Biso (a project financed by Fondation Chirac and implemented by TFT in partnership with the CIB).

Strengthening of the social component in Société Africaine des Matières Ligneuses Africaines – SOFORMA (forest company in DRC working towards legality verification).

Implementation of a farming project as activity able to bring a dynamic economic development to three villages in the forest concession under sustainable management of Compagnie Equatoriale des Bois -CEB (FSC certified forest company in Gabon). Evaluation of the functioning of social consultation platforms of company PALLISCO-CIFM (FSC certified forest company in Cameroon).

The socio-economic study of FMU 10001-2-3-4 for a forest company in Cameroon- CFC (TLTV certified).

The mapping of resource areas of the populations neighbouring FMU 10 015 of Compagnie Industrielle du Bois du Cameroun – CIBC (TLTV certified forest company in Cameroon).

Each student had their training recognized and received on Wednesday 15 December in Yaoundé, their certificate in social forestry in front of an audience of 50 people composed of the students’ friends, their family, a few former CSE graduates, a number of speakers and partners.

After the award of certificates and gifts on behalf of TFT, the promotion Moabi in turn thanked TFT and the CSE.

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