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News 1 nov 2019

Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) -- in collaboration with Earthworm Foundation -- held a thematic training on High Conservation Value (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) Management and Monitoring Plans at Harris Hotel, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia from July 16 to 18, 2019. The training was conducted to support and enhance LDC suppliers’ knowledge and technical skills in designing and implementing management and monitoring plans.

This session was developed based on results from a Tools for Transformation Self-Assessment (T4T-SA) questionnaire that LDC distributed to their suppliers in October 2018. The training was attended by 19 participants, representing 15 parent groups and 20 mills that supply to LDC-owned refineries in Indonesia.

During his opening remark, LDC Indonesia Sustainability Manager Denny Turino emphasised the importance of collaboration in implementing sustainability practices. Denny reiterated LDC’s approach of prioritising engagement and discussion with their suppliers. As such, this training represented the company’s efforts to engage its suppliers and support implementation of sustainability best practices in accordance with LDC’s policies.

On the second day of the training, the participants visited one of the suppliers’ plantations to practice identifying HCV areas, and potential threats to them, as well as carrying out the HCS measurement methodology in the field. Data collected from the field was then discussed and analysed on the third day, when the participants were taught to develop HCV and HCS management and monitoring plans.

Based on feedback, participants found the focus on practical knowledge and field simulations to be beneficial, as it represented the actual situation and challenges occurring in oil palm plantations.

Noticias relacionadas:

Areas de trabajo:
Bosques saludables

Tools for Transformation

Aceite de palma

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