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Mars becomes TFT member and announces 'No deforestation' push across commodities
Mars becomes TFT member and announces 'No deforestation' push across commodities
News 10 mar 2014

New policy targets palm oil, pulp and paper, beef and soy

We are pleased to announce that global confectioner Mars has become a TFT palm oil member and will work with us to build greater transparency in its palm oil supply chain. Mars has committed to achieving a fully traceable supply to known mills by the end of 2014, helping to prevent deforestation in its operations. Mars has also outlined a wider deforestation policy that also focuses on pulp and paper, beef and soy.

Over the coming months TFT and Mars teams will work hand-in-hand with suppliers in mills and plantations to implement the palm oil policy. Suppliers will be supported to understand the requirements of the policy and ensure their supply, including that from smallholders, is from a responsible, deforestation-free source.

Mars’ palm oil policy includes the protection of high carbon stock forest, high conservation value forests and peatlands. It also pledges to protect the rights of communities and workers whilst also minimising the company’s carbon footprint. TFT director Bastien Sachet says: “Transforming the palm oil industry requires innovative collaboration. Having suppliers and brands like Mars work as one team instead of rejecting responsibility over palm oil sustainability is an example of this ambition. This is what brings efficiency and produces innovative solutions. We are in it together to solve the problem.”

Mars’ deforestation policy identifies pulp and paper, beef and soy as the three other commodities that pose the greatest risk of deforestation. Mars will publish individual policies and action plans on these commodities by the end of 2014, and these are likely to include working towards a 100% traceable supply where relevant, asking suppliers to publicly commit to the policies, and walking away from those who don’t.

Bastien Sachet continues: “It is hugely encouraging to see a global leader like Mars take a robust stance on deforestation, not least because of the effect this will have on improving practices across a number of commodities. This will provide a strong blueprint to inspire others.”

Mars palm oil policy

Mars deforestation policy

Noticias relacionadas:

Areas de trabajo:
Bosques saludables

Aceite de palma

Mars, Inc.

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