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The CSE visits Cameroon Sugar Company
The CSE visits Cameroon Sugar Company
News 30 abr 2012

Students at the Centre for Social Excellence conducted their first field trip by visiting the Cameroon Sugar company, SOSUCAM.

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

The visit was overseen by SOSUCAM Deputy Managing Director, Guillaume Ranson and the HR manager, Thierry Owona. It covered two sites, Mbandjock and Nkoteng. CSE students were shown how SOSUCAM functions and what the major operational challenges are across its factories and plantations.

The visit also covered the work of the SOSUCAM foundation and the telemedicine health centre. It helped students to gain a better understanding of the sustainable management of resources across the sugar industry, and the social protection provided by the company for their workers, workers’ families, and the local population.

The visit provided a valuable opportunity for the students to link theory with practice and witness a good example of how a sugar company can accelerate its industrial production while also addressing issues associated with social welfare and environmental conservation.

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