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Sugarcane, in large part, feeds the world's sweet tooth

Sugarcane, in large part, feeds the world's sweet tooth


Most of our world’s sugar comes from sugar cane grown in tropical countries, while the rest is supplied by sugar beets from temperate ones. A planted area about the size of Ecuador supports the growing global consumption of sugar, particularly in Africa, Asia and South America.

Sugar prices have experienced a steady fall since 2017, the latest of which is associated with production surpluses caused by cropland expansion in recent years. In developing nations, the industry has also been associated with issues such as land-grabbing, unacceptable working conditions, and poor water and pest management.


Global production was forecasted to rise more than 11 percent in 2018, reaching a record high of more than 187 tonnes.
In 2012, the global harvested area was 25.8 million hectares.
Cane accounts for 79% of sugar produced; most of the rest is made from sugar beets

Our Work

The end of 2012 signalled the beginning of our work in this space with Cameroonian sugar cane company SOSUCAM. Since then, we have supported responsible expansion of their plantations in line with their sustainability policy. Our work on policy implementation has focussed on transforming operational practices to include environmental and social factors, as well as strengthening relationships with employees and local communities. This has led to reduced conflicts, improved health and safety conditions and better medical facilities.

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