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Comunidades y ecosistemas fuertes y prósperos.

Comunidades y ecosistemas fuertes y prósperos.


Agriculture accounts for 73% of global forest loss annually, but it also provides a livelihood for over one billion people; protecting fragile ecosystems means finding a way to create value for people without sacrificing nature. This is too complex a challenge for any one company, commodity supply chain, NGO or government to handle alone.

Earthworm Foundation has identified several highly biodiverse areas under threat from agricultural expansion, which also overlap with current or future sourcing regions for some of our member companies. The Landscape Programme identifies and brings key stakeholders that live and work in these areas together as lasting land-use planning solutions can only come from them. With this in mind we work to provide tools, space and guidance to stakeholders to build collaborative, participatory local processes for land-use planning involving both upstream and downstream company players, local governments, local civil society, and communities living in or near those areas. The aim is to find compromise solutions that will allow for needed economic development, preservation of habitat and lasting ecosystem services.


Earthworm Foundation leverages our on-the-ground expertise, innovative programming, and connection to downstream players in supply chains to support and guide collaborative land-use planning processes in several key, highly biodiverse landscapes.

It starts with a comprehensive spatial plan and diagnostic of local drivers of deforestation and exploitation. This forms the basis of a shared understanding from which to draft long-term land use plans that:

  • Meet present livelihood needs and provide a viable economic future;
  • Maximise preservation of key habitats;
  • Are made and implemented with full participation of local communities.

Our Landscapes programme partners with NORAD.

Noticias e historias

Un acuerdo para fortalecer la sostenibilidad en el campo

26 sept 2022
10 ene 2022

The Southern Central Forest Spine in Peninsular Malaysia


12 feb 2019


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12 feb 2019


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