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Tratar a todos los trabajadores de la misma forma y con humanidad

Tratar a todos los trabajadores de la misma forma y con humanidad


The origins of the contents of much of our food, cosmetics and medicine, even things like our kitchen worktops, are difficult to trace.

These supply chains are complex, but follow them to their ends and you will often find social issues. The people working there are in what is often known as the informal sector – a place that is left unmonitored. Working conditions are often poor and employees may lack any benefits.

These workers don’t ask for much. Progress for them could be a bus to take them from their accommodation to the plantation, quarry or factory they work at; or a bed, rather than the floor, to sleep on; but mainly, they just want to be treated with respect; the kind of respect we would all like to be treated with ourselves.

Our Respect Programme is based on principles which aim to provide a framework for our engagement with companies on human rights. These principles apply to the companies we work with, their direct and indirect suppliers and sub-contractors, as well as all workers, including contract temporary, subcontracted and migrant workers, as well as all sites.


We helped women in the stone industry in India get access to social security.
In Central America our work helped 4,500 workers gain access to water.
In collaboration with Wilmar we have ensured workers’ passports have been returned in Malaysia.

Our solution

We adhere to 10 principles that cover no child, forced or bonded labour; ethical recruitment is used; health and safety of workers is protected; employment contracts for all workers; wages and working hours meet legal requirements; companies respect diversity; harassment and abuse is not tolerated; all workers have access to judicial remedy; accommodation is safe and hygienic and all workers have freedom to join unions.

Noticias e historias

10 nov 2022

A Fully Funded Training for Women at Earthworm’s Centre of Social Excellence

6 dic 2021

Improving outcomes for female workers in Indonesian palm oil plantations

8 oct 2021


23 ene 2019

Respect Workersprinciples Eng

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23 may 2019

Children in Plantations Directory 2019

pdf. 2,1 MB

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22 feb 2019


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22 feb 2019


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11 abr 2019


pdf. 2,4 MB

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11 abr 2019


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11 abr 2019


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29 ago 2019

Directory of Palm Oil Stakeholder in Malaysia

pdf. 4,2 MB

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