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Brett joins TFT’s Responsible Stone Programme
Brett joins TFT’s Responsible Stone Programme
News 11 mars 2016

Brett, a UK based landscape and building products supplier, becomes the twelfth active member of TFT’s Responsible Stone Programme.

We’re delighted to announce that the UK-based Brett Landscaping and Building Products has joined the TFT Responsible Stone Programme (RSP). The Brett Group has a proud history of environmental and social responsibility initiatives in the UK and within its global supply chain. For example, restoration of its UK quarries, some of which have attained ‘site of special scientific interest’ status, has earned the business numerous awards over the years.

This announcement means that by working collaboratively with TFT, Brett Landscaping and Building Products will now work deeper within its natural stone supply chain to improving working conditions and manage environmental impacts. TFT works closely with its members to ensure that sites within their supply chains meet the RSP Guidelines. These Guidelines require sites to ensure that:

  • Child labour is not used
  • There is no forced and bonded labour
  • Ethical recruitment practices are used
  • The health and safety of workers is protected
  • Employment contracts are provided to all workers
  • Wages meet min requirements/ national norms as a min
  • Working hours meet legal requirements and are not excessive
  • The company respects diversity within its workforce
  • Harassment and abuse are not tolerated
  • There is clear and readily accessible access to remedy
  • Accommodation is safe and hygienic
  • Freedom of association/ right to collective bargaining is respected

TFT and Brett will initially collaborate to help sites reflect these Guidelines within Brett’s India-based supply chains. This route provides around 91% of Brett natural stone products. Our work will include increasing transparency to the quarry level and conducting assessments and capacity building at five sites. Ultimately Brett and TFT plan to collaborate across all of the businesses natural stone supply chains in Europe, India, China and Brazil to improve working conditions and minimise environmental impacts.

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des travailleurs respectés


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