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A tool to help Malaysian businesses adhere to international ethical recruitment standards
A tool to help Malaysian businesses adhere to international ethical recruitment standards
News 23 déc. 2019

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To help businesses understand recruitment risks in their operations, Earthworm Foundation has launched a Due Diligence Tool on ethical recruitment in Malaysia.

This tool aims to help companies committed to respecting workers' rights, particularly on ethical recruitment practices. It is designed for company staff who recruit foreign workers; or those involved in hiring contractors, human resources, and sustainability or responsible sourcing units.

Back in June 2019, we held a forum on ethical recruitment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia — the first forum of its kind in the regional palm oil industry. The forum highlighted the importance of human rights-based due diligence as an ongoing risk management process for palm oil operations.

With that in mind, we developed this tool, as well as a study on recruitment costs. The study looks at recruitment costs for palm oil companies, as actual costs borne by employers and migrant workers can be quite opaque. This makes the process vulnerable to unethical practices.

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