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Florin and TFT team up on responsible palm oil sourcing
Florin and TFT team up on responsible palm oil sourcing
News 16 juil. 2012

Florin AG, the biggest producer and supplier of cooking oil, edible fats and margarines in Switzerland, has become a TFT member.

As a key vegetable oil refiner, Florin produces approximately 72,000 tons of edible oils, fats and margarines each year. TFT is supporting the company to implement its Responsible Palm Oil Sourcing Strategy, ensuring that 100% of its palm oil is traceable back to plantation.

Florin will work to source from producers that are Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certified, as well as working with TFT to conduct additional assessments on the ground. These assessments will make sure that producers are not linked to practices resulting in deforestation, or to peat land destruction for the establishment of palm oil plantations.

Very few refiners to date have made a commitment like Florin’s. The company’s sourcing strategy and partnership with TFT demonstrate Florin’s ongoing commitment to responsible sourcing and meeting customers’ growing demand for deforestation-free, sustainable and traceable palm oil products.

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des forêts en bonne santé

Huile de palme

Florin AG

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