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Hershey becomes TFT palm oil member
Hershey becomes TFT palm oil member
News 24 sept. 2014

Global food company commits to transformation

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

We are very pleased to announce that global food company Hershey has become a TFT palm oil member and pledged No Deforestation and No Exploitation in its palm oil supply chain.

Hershey has also announced its new palm oil sourcing policy. TFT and Hershey will work together to trace the company’s palm oil back to mill. We will then work closely with Hershey’s suppliers, supporting them to implement responsible practices.

As well as being committed to No Deforestation, Hershey’s new policy means it will protect and conserve High Conservation Values (HCV) and High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests and not develop on peat, regardless of the depth. Hershey is also committed to supporting smallholder farmers within its supply chain. “Since we first joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2011, we have strived to ensure we are responsibly sourcing palm oil,” said Frank Day, Vice President of Global Commodities at The Hershey Company. “Our new sourcing policy gives our stakeholders the roadmap for how we will go beyond RSPO-certified palm oil and achieve a truly responsible and sustainable palm oil supply chain at The Hershey Company.

“Taking the decision to actively move beyond the accepted norm in palm oil is a very commendable one,” says TFT Director Robin Barr. “It’s also essential for transformation in the industry. Hershey has put a great deal of considered thought into its policy, and the commitment to involve smallholders is vital for shaping an industry where responsibility and reward can be experienced by all.”

Hershey announcement

Hershey Palm Oil Sourcing Policy

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des forêts en bonne santé

Huile de palme


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