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High Carbon Stock Approach Toolkit updated
High Carbon Stock Approach Toolkit updated
News 4 mai 2017

We’re pleased to announce a new version of the High Carbon Stock Approach toolkit – the global methodology for protecting valuable forests and lands across the world.

The High Carbon Stock (HCS) methodology has its roots back in 2010, when Greenpeace, Golden Agri-Resources and TFT set about how to tell which forests and lands could be classed as high carbon stock – those which store high amounts of carbon and must be protected.

Today the toolkit is led by the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCS) Steering Group –a unique collaboration between major plantation companies, commodity and brand companies, NGOs and technical organisations all committed to ending tropical deforestation. With more and more companies making public commitments to protect forests, together with growing global momentum from governments and consumers, the Toolkit is a valuable guide on how to strike a balance between conservation and development.

The updated toolkit contains the latest scientific research, feedback from trials, as well as new topics and input from partners.

Find the HCS Approach Toolkit V2

Read the press release

Take a look at the HCS Approach video

Read Scott Poynton’s blog about the early days of the HCS Approach

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