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La Fabril become TFT members
La Fabril become TFT members
News 26 avr. 2018

La Fabril Group has become our first member from Ecuador, and the third in Latin America.

Having supported La Fabril to produce its Policy of Sustainability for Responsible Production of Oil Palm, we will now be further supporting them to implement it out in the field.

Our work together will focus on looking to ensure the conservation and responsible management of High Conservation Value areas and High Carbon Stock forest and peatland.

Together we believe the relationship between the palm oil producers, mills, technicians, clients, providers and the wider palm oil industry, are key in promoting social, environmental and economic development.

Therefore, another area of our focus will be strengenthing relationships with smaller scale palm oil producers, along with identifying and resolving any potential conflict.

La Fabril’s sustainability policy will help us to develop a more transparent supply chain. From there we will be able to better identify the origin of their palm oil, as well as working with and supporting their suppliers to adopt improved practices that tie in with La Fabril’s policy.

Find out more about La Fabril’s work

La Fabril policy

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des forêts en bonne santé

Huile de palme

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