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News 15 mai 2019

Since 2017, Earthworm Foundation has been supporting industry-wide efforts to improve the well-being of children in oil palm plantations in Sabah, Malaysia. Our efforts so far have revolved around bringing together government, businesses, NGOs and experts; with the aim of understanding challenges, clarifying regulations and exploring how businesses can ensure child labour-free supply chains. These include:

  • the 2017 "Children in Plantations of Sabah – Business Stakeholders’ Consultation" held 5 September 2017 in Sandakan, Sabah; and
  • the 2018 "Children in Plantations of Sabah – Consultation with Government Agencies and Civil Society Organisations" organised in collaboration with the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des travailleurs respectés


Huile de palme


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