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Reconnecting in Malaysia
Reconnecting in Malaysia
News 27 févr. 2015

TFT's Malaysia office becomes one with nature

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

Every TFT office around the world has one day a year dedicated to going out together and experiencing nature. We call it Reconnection Day. TFT’s Malaysia office decided to spend theirs wading through the Raja Musa Peat Swamp Reserve.

The peat swamp is a unique wetland ecosystem. TFT’s Justin Ford-Robertson recalls that the team were told to wear rubber boots. That wasn’t to say the water was ankle deep. Before long backpacks were raised on top of heads and valuables secured in dry bags.

Luck would have it that TFT’s in-house film maker Florian Wiesner is part of the TFT Malaysia team and he was on hand to record what happened when one group of people got very wet indeed when exploring a swamp.

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des forêts en bonne santé

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