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Update from the field: Wilmar on Balikpapan Bay
Update from the field: Wilmar on Balikpapan Bay
News 14 nov. 2014

Conservation issues recognised and transparent solutions put into place

Wilmar and TFT have been working together to address a number of conservation issues concerning development by a Wilmar subsidiary in Balikpapan Bay, East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

These issues included an NGO complaint alleging Wilmar subsidiary PT WINA had violated regulations by building a crude palm oil processing unit at the site.

Development caused concern
Having obtained the necessary legal permits, PT WINA began forest clearance for the unit in 2007. Almost six hectares has been cleared to date. However, the site development has caused some individuals, community groups and local NGOs to raise their concerns. Plans and restoration work
Based on these grievances, PT WINA, with support from TFT, has been engaging with stakeholders in Balikpapan Bay.

A community feedback meeting was held in a local village, which was attended by 28 community representatives, including NGOs. The aim has been to listen to their concerns and gather further information to develop a way forward.

The complaint has been closed on the basis that PT WINA undertakes restoration work on an area of mangroves and reports on its progress.

The Wilmar Balikpapan Bay report

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des forêts en bonne santé

Huile de palme

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