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Vandemoortele becomes a TFT palm oil member and first in its industry to pledge No Deforestation
Vandemoortele becomes a TFT palm oil member and first in its industry to pledge No Deforestation
News 14 févr. 2014

Working towards 100% traceable palm oil

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

TFT is pleased to announce that Vandemoortele, a leading European margarine and fat manufacturer, has joined TFT as a member in order to support the implementation of its No Deforestation, No Exploitation policy.

The company’s updated commitment focuses on 100% traceability of its palm oil, and enhanced forest protection measures to break the link between palm oil and deforestation. Vandermoortele is the first company of its kind in the industry to make a No Deforestation pledge. Over the coming months, TFT will work with Vandemoortele’s suppliers to better understand their supply chains, developing a palm oil supply that is 100% traceable and free of deforestation and exploitation. Florie Loth, who heads up TFT’s palm oil projects in France, says: “Vandemoortele supplies many food brands that are household names throughout much of Europe, so their commitment not only sends a big message to the European food industry, but also provides a blueprint for many food producers and retailers who want deforestation-free palm oil in their products.”

Vandemoortele will publicly report on their progress regularly.

Vandemoortele Palm Oil Sourcing Charter

Actualités associées:

Domaines d'engagement:
Des forêts en bonne santé

Huile de palme

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