Aceh is home to the highly biodiverse Leuser Ecosystem, frequently referred to as the “Last Place on Earth.” It is indeed the last place on Earth where orangutans, tigers, elephants, and rhinoceros are found to coexist. The Leuser Ecosystem is also home to some of the world’s last old-growth tropical forests and significant areas of peat soils that serve as important carbon sinks.
More than 200 smallholders are facilitated in the process of implementing sustainability practices as per Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification requirements.
750 smallholders reached & engaged to improve farm productivity, uptake of sustainability practices, increase income diversification, and protect wildlife.
7500 Ha plantation & forest borders are being monitored and managed by smallholders and plantation owners for the protection of elephants and reduction in crop loss.
Civil society
Engaging local actors, providing capacity building and training and facilitating multi-stakeholder collaboration.
Providing the human resources and operational framework to support the protection of forests and protected areas.
The private sector
Implementing NDPE commitments in their supply chains & participating in landscape-level transformation activities.
Associated Funders
Swiss Confederation
Field Partners
Aceh is one of the key ecosystems where Earthworm Foundation works through its landscapes approach.
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