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Anggota sejak Januari 2020


DHG Vertriebs- und Consulting GmbH is a German compost, mulch, and charcoal producing and trading company. DHG trades charcoal from multiple countries, with one of its largest sourcing countries being Namibia.


DHG wants to ensure and further develop the responsible sourcing of its international charcoal supplies with support of Earthworm Foundation (EF). EF will assess DHG’s main charcoal suppliers through the Charcoal Control System (CCS). EF will deploy the CCS methodology with its four responsibility criteria: Sustainable management of forests and the environment, controlled production and distribution processes, respect of human rights, health and safety and transparency of the charcoal supply chains.

Hence, EF will engage with all DHG suppliers to support them on their continuous improvement journey towards responsible charcoal. In Namibia, DHG sources charcoal from processors and local farmers. Our mutual aim is to improve workers and farmers’ resilience by sustainably transforming DHG supply chains along EF’s four criteria of responsible charcoal.

Kerja Kami

In October 2018, EF and DHG started its work with an initial field visit to Namibia. A great share of DHG’s Namibian suppliers (farmers and processors) were visited and assessed. The assessment followed EF’s CCS methodology.

After the first successful field visit, DHG and EF extended their partnership and DHG became a member of EF’s platform launched in June 2019.

In November 2019, a second field visit to DHG’s Namibian suppliers (farmers and processors) was conducted. DHG’s suppliers were evaluated under EF’s CCS methodology, the results can be found on During the field visit, DHG and EF decided to extend their collaboration towards an EF membership.

In 2020, EF and DHG signed the EF membership agreement. Being an EF member on charcoal means that DHG is engaged to implement EF’s V-T-T-V model and to deploy the Charcoal Control System on all its charcoal supplies.

In November 2020, EF conducted a third field visit to DHG’s Namibian charcoal suppliers, followed-up on previous visits and implemented a supply chain diagnostic tool to monitor charcoal production practices within DHG Namibian charcoal value chain.

Today, EF has assessed over 85% of DHG’s Namibian charcoal supplies. DHG and EF have jointly implemented suppliers action plans for further continuous improvement.