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Fuji Oil

Anggota sejak Juni 2016


The Fuji Oil Group is a Japanese manufacturer of plant-based food solutions. They operate in the fields of hard butters for chocolate, confectionery and bakery ingredients (including cream, margarine and cheese-flavoured ingredients), and soy ingredients.


Since 2016, we have worked with Fuji Oil Holdings Inc. to influence and scale up change among their palm oil suppliers in Malaysia. This began with the development of their Responsible Palm Oil Sourcing Policy, signifying their commitment against deforestation, peatland development and exploitation for all palm oil in their supply chain. Subsequent policy implementation efforts have focused on an ART (Aggregator Refinery Transformation) plan in Fuji's Palmaju refinery supply base in Malaysia.

Statistik Penting

Engaged 100 percent of direct suppliers in their Palmaju Edible Oils supply shed through site visits, workshops and broad level engagement
More than 200 foreign workers' passports returned in Malaysia as a result of our efforts to support transformation among Fuji Oil suppliers.
Through the Tools for Transformation (T4T) system, 100% of Palmaju Edible Oils' direct suppliers have provided us with data against NDPE requirements.

Pencapaian Penting

Mei 2020

Continuous effort to strengthen NDPE compliance of Palmaju and its supply base where a total of 48 entities have been engaged through trainings and 40 mills and plantations have responded to the T4T online system

Mar 2020

Fuji Oil has reviewed and updated the grievance policy and is now on par with the expectation of the industry

Agu 2019

Fuji Oil joins Earthworm Foundation and other partners on the Aerial Prioritas Transformasi (APT) landscapes initiative for Southern Aceh, home to the world-famous Leuser ecosystem.

Apr 2019

Kicked off Labour Transformation Programme to help suppliers to meet the NDPE gaps and requirements in Peninsular Malaysia.

Agu 2018

Started scaling up process to engage and track the progress of NDPE compliance of Palmaju’s direct suppliers and supply base using the T4T system

Mar 2018

Mei 2017

Fuji Oil published their first progress report publically informing the inaugural traceability to mill score which was 94% for both palm oil and palm kernel oil

Apr 2017

100% of Palmaju’s direct suppliers engaged on Fuji Oil’s NDPE requirements through Aggregator Refinery Transformation (ART) activities such as broad level trainings

Mar 2016

NDPE policy published and socialised with suppliers

Kerja Kami

Building on Fuji's No Deforestation, Peat & Exploitation (NDPE) commitments, we have supported traceability, supplier engagement, grievance mechanism and transformation activities in their supply chain in Malaysia. These activities have focused on engaging key suppliers on transforming prevalent social issues, as well as creating resources and case studies to spread change across the rest of their supply base. Our work with Fuji also includes developing and using the online platforms, such as the Tools for Transformation (T4T) system, to identify gaps in their supply chain, monitor policy implementation and support ongoing industry transformation in Malaysia. In Indonesia, Fuji is supporting the Landscapes transformation initiative in regions at risk of deforestation.

Berita & Cerita

30 Des 2022

Earthworm Foundation and PT Laot Bangko Speak at Innovation Forum Podcast

12 Feb 2020

Report providing insights into recruitment costs in Malaysia

29 Jan 2020

Engaging businesses, NGOs, government and communities to preserve forests