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Anggota sejak Juli 2020


GODIVA, the global leader in premium chocolate, announced its partnership with Earthworm Foundation in July 2020. The aim is to make sustainable improvements to its cocoa supply chain and support farming communities in Côte d’Ivoire, where approximately 40% of the world’s cocoa is sourced. Together, GODIVA and Earthworm Foundation will work to protect forests and the rights of people who grow and harvest cocoa.


Our work with GODIVA will begin with an initial six-month phase, focused on laying the foundation for implementing GODIVA’s Cocoa and Forest Initiative (CFI) commitment to protecting forests and the rights of people linked with growing and harvesting the cocoa used in its products.

The CFI is led by the governments of Ghana and Ivory Coast - the two biggest cocoa-producing countries in the world, along with many leading cocoa and chocolate companies, of which GODIVA is one. CFI’s aim is to end deforestation and restore forest areas. Although Earthworm Foundation will support GODIVA to protect forests and the rights of people linked with its cocoa right across its cocoa sourcing, which goes beyond these two countries.

Kerja Kami

During the initial phase, we will focus on supporting GODIVA to draft and publish a cocoa position statement and improve traceability. The position statement will help GODIVA to clearly communicate its commitment and expectations related to sustainable cocoa. Then, the traceability work will provide a holistic view of where all cocoa in GODIVA products comes from so that a comprehensive approach can be taken to address environmental and social issues in its supply chain. This work is the foundation for GODIVA to support industry transformation.

Additionally, GODIVA is supporting an Earthworm Foundation Rurality project in Soubré, a key cocoa producing region Ivory Coast. The Rurality project focuses on helping farming communities maintain and enhance the quality of their natural environment and key habitat areas.

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