Vandemoortele is a Belgian family business. Vandemoortele has two business lines; one in bakery products and the other in margarines, culinary oils and fats - operating in 12 countries across Europe. It mainly imports palm oil from South East Asia and supplies to many household name food brands throughout the European market.
Vandemoortele became a member of Earthworm Foundation back in January 2014. It was at this point that Vandemoortele decided to enhance its commitment on palm oil. After a first year of investigation in collaboration with us, Vandemoortele pledged, in December 2014, to only use traceable, No Deforestation and No Exploitation palm oil in its supply chain.
Looking back at the work achieved so far, Vandemoortele has made significant and strong progress by committing publicly, increasing knowledge and transparency on its supply chain and by recently supporting key projects in Indonesia.
The work in collaboration with Earthworm Foundation is divided in to four main pillars: communication, strategic support, transparency and transformation.
Vandemoortele publicly committed to sustainable, deforestation-free, socially responsible palm oil.
Since 2016, more than 95 % of their palm oil is traceable to the mill.
Vandemoortele became member of the APT program in Indonesia.
Vandemoortele was one of first brands to publish lists of mills for its’ palm oil supply chains online.
Earthworm Foundation leads on establishing transparency in Vandemoortele’s palm oil supply chain, including:
Since 2018, Vandemoortele is supporting a field programme in Indonesia driven by Earthworm's local teams: the Areas for Priority Transformation Programme (Landscapes). The project is currently operating in three landscapes where Indonesia’s precious tropical forests are threatened due to expanding agriculture, which is in turn critical to much needed economic development.
Vandemoortele puts smallholders at the heart of its strategy and will specifically support a programme with communities from Aceh Tamiang region in 2019. The ambition is to prevent deforestation.
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