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Cameroon’s largest employer shows how change is possible
Cameroon’s largest employer shows how change is possible
News 15 Sep 2016

Watch our film to find out how we helped sugar cane company SOSUCAM to improve working conditions and relations with their workers.

Change can seem like an overwhelming thing, but small steps can make a huge difference. Cameroon’s largest employer, sugar cane company SOSUCAM, faced a big challenge in 2013. With a real need to improve conditions for staff and build relationships with the local community, it turned to us and Monkey Forest Consulting. Our short film gives insight into the journey SOSUCAM has been on to bring about real change.

We created better and structured links between SOSUCAM’s workers and local communities. SOSUCAM adopted this approach and the results have been tangible and real. Today SOSUCAM staff are happier and safer in their jobs and the community feels more consulted and respected. As with all journeys, it continues; there is more to be done, but the company now employs responsible and transparent processes that have brought stability and will bring greater benefits for people and the environment.

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Area Kerja:
Healthy forests Respected workers


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