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Earthworm's campaign to help tackle environmental challenges in India
Earthworm's campaign to help tackle environmental challenges in India
News 5 Feb 2020

In line with climate action goals, the Indian Government aims to ensure about 33 percent of tree cover in the country. At the end of 2019, this number stood at about 24 percent; out of which about 22 percent was from government-controlled forests, while about 2 percent was from agro-forestry. There is deficit of 9% which can fulfilled by agroforestry plantation only.

1. One of its kind plantation campaign which is actually beyond plantation.

2. Quarterly monitoring done for initial three years to make sure health survival of trees. Generally, survival rate is around 45% and in our case it ia beyond 70%

4. EF team identify farmers on defined criteria and conduct soil and water testing along with detailed farm survey before finalizing the farm for plantation.

5. This plantation provide additional income to farmers.

6. To restore biodiversity, combo of multiple species are planted at farms which include timber, fruits, flower, herbs, and shrubs.

7. Expert panel comprising scientists and progressive farmers review the region, farm surveys, and test report and then recommend the species to be planted.

8. Sowing and nurturing techniques are as per science as that is then need of hour to ensure health survival.

9. Additional income from these trees helps in making farmers resilient and open for chemical free farming. It is important to note that Bhatinda belt of Punjab has been dubbed as cancer belt of India due to excessive use of chemical’s.

10. For donors, we have provided complete transparency through QR code for each lot of 10K saplings. This qr includes, go’s location of farms where trees have been planted, journey of plantation, quarterly monitoring report and impact on soil, carbon etc. Please see attached qr code to know more in details.

Berita Terkait:

Bidang Pekerjaan:
Healthy forests Living Soils


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