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Leading global baking company commits to No Deforestation and No Exploitation in their palm oil supply chain
Leading global baking company commits to No Deforestation and No Exploitation in their palm oil supply chain
News 10 Mar 2016

Leading global baking company commits to No Deforestation and No Exploitation in their palm oil supply chain

We are pleased to announce that Grupo Bimbo—the leading global baking company—has become a TFT member, committing to No Deforestation and No Exploitation in their palm oil supply chain. Based in Mexico, Grupo Bimbo encompasses leading brands in Latin America and the United States, with over 10,000 products and operations in 22 countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe. Having supported Grupo Bimbo to shape their new Global Palm Oil Policy, TFT will now work alongside them on its implementation.

The policy includes a commitment to establish traceability of their palm oil supply back to the mill and plantation levels and to source from suppliers who adhere to the principles of:

  • No development of High Conservation Value (HCV) areas;
  • No Deforestation of High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests;
  • No development on peatland (regardless of depth);
  • No exploitation of individuals and communities.

A large part of Grupo Bimbo’s palm oil supply originates in Latin America, where smallholder farmers play a significant role in the production. Recognizing the important relationship between palm oil development and smallholder livelihoods, Grupo Bimbo commits to working with suppliers and producers to ensure the inclusion of smallholders as the new sourcing policy is implemented.

TFT will work with Grupo Bimbo to develop an Action Plan to engage with its suppliers on key policy requirements and progressively reach policy implementation milestones across its supply base.

Berita Terkait:

Bidang Pekerjaan:
Healthy forests Respected workers

Kelapa sawit

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