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Insights at key Amazon events in Peru
Insights at key Amazon events in Peru
News 7 Okt 2024

In August and September, Earthworm Foundation had the privilege of presenting its work at three significant events in the Peruvian Amazon region. These gatherings brought together leaders and experts to discuss sustainable practices, deforestation prevention, and regenerative agriculture, reflecting our ongoing efforts in Latin America.

Workshop on EUDR readiness & jurisdictional approaches

On August 20, the regional team participated in a workshop in the city of Tarapoto, entitled "What is the future of tropical agriculture and the forests of the Peruvian Amazon?", as part of the Climate-Landscapes Project in collaboration with Nestlé.

This event offered an opportunity to share the results of our jurisdictional initiative in the district of Neshuya. The discussions focused on No-deforestation, regenerative agriculture, the use of digital tools for traceability, and preparing for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). The team emphasized the need for stakeholder alignment to ensure a successful transition to sustainable production.

An inspiring moment of the event was the participation of Mr. Telmo Salvador, a farmer and leader from the Neshuya Palm Oil Farmers Association, whose story resonated with the audience. His commitment to sustainability inspired many farmers to embrace more responsible production methods. “I know the remaining forest of the upper areas of my farm will secure provision of water for the following years, it is necessary to share this with more neighbours”, he said.

Sustainable Landscapes of cocoa (SECO) Project impact presentation in Tocache

Later in the month, Earthworm was invited to present the results of the SECO Project at an event organized by the Technical Commission for Economic and Territorial Development of the Province (COTEDETEP) in the city of Tocache.

This provided a platform to showcase our efforts in promoting deforestation-free cocoa production, the company and farmers tools we provide for a sustainable sourcing (HCS-HCV maps and Holistic farm plans), and a key focus of the Landscapes SECO Project, which we have been implementing since 2021.

We were proud to highlight the project's impact on supporting sustainable livelihoods and protecting critical ecosystems in the region.

ExpoAmazonica 2024 – Sustainability Forum in Madre de Dios

On September 21, the Peru team presented the local work at ExpoAmazonica, the country's largest annual convention on Amazon topics, which took place in the Madre de Dios region. At the Sustainability Forum, we shared our experience with the Jurisdictional Initiative in the Ucayali region.

Moreover, the event highlighted the stark realities the Amazon faces, as Madre de Dios suffers from the severe impacts of forest fires, drought, and unsustainable mining.

The panellists echoed a powerful message: “we must adapt to the growing number of climate-related disasters and intensify efforts toward stakeholder collaboration”. Joint visions between local authorities, private sectors, civil society along with monitoring deforestation, are crucial steps forward.

Incentivizing farmers to engage in conservation is key in preserving both livelihoods and the Amazon’s future.

Moving forward together

We are immensely grateful to the participants and organizers of these events for the opportunity to share Earthworm Foundation's work and vision. Our engagements across these platforms underscore the importance of sustainable production, no-deforestation practices, and the need for rural development solutions that integrate both environmental and social concerns.

Together, we can continue working toward a thriving, sustainable Amazon.

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