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TFT/Perum Perhutani partnership suspended
TFT/Perum Perhutani partnership suspended
News 20 Feb 2014

Follows a serious breach of Perhutani's 'Drop the Guns' policy

As of January 2019, The Forest Trust has become Earthworm Foundation.

On 19 February 2014, we learnt of a serious breach of Perum Perhutani’s Drop the Guns/DTG policy. As a result, we have suspended our partnership with immediate effect.

Earlier this week, TFT held meetings with Perhutani’s senior management about maintaining its commitments to not using guns. This subsequent breach is completely unacceptable. For this reason we had no choice but to formally suspend our partnership and advise Perum Perhutani that it needs to:

1. Engage with an independent party or parties to investigate this incident

2. Re-affirm its commitment and re-deploy the DTG policy by immediately removing any firearms in Perum Perhutani’s estates, including those used by third parties

3. Re-evaluate Perum Perhutani’s forest security system and current implementation.

Berita Terkait:

Bidang Pekerjaan:
Healthy forests


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