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Story 1

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Our work in Africa certifies an area twice the size of Luxembourg, protecting forest and the rights of indigenous peoples

We also helped the CIB improve their relationship with semi-nomadic Pygmy communities who lived in forests the company managed. The Pygmy communities mapped out their lands using GPS trackers. Community members walked through their territory, highlighting important areas and plotting them in the hand-held devices. With our help a first-of-its-kind radio station went on air in 2007, broadcasting news in 12 indigenous languages to thousands of local people.


The Tropical Forest Trust becomes The Forest Trust. Same mission, Bigger scope!

That meant the name ‘The Tropical Forest Trust’ no longer represented who we were. We wanted to bring our model to other commodities like soy and palm oil and stop the bleak future painted by the Stern Report. So, we became ‘The Forest Trust’. The same organisation with the same mission, but with a wider vision and scope.


After a long TFT-led intervention guns are dropped in teak plantations in Java, Indonesia, reducing violence and saving lives.

In 2001, the sound of gunfire could still be heard in Perhutani’s teak forest on the island of Java as armed guards protected the land from villagers, occasionally killing local people and illegal loggers. But eight years later, with TFT’s help, every single gun was safely locked away.


Working with us, Nestlé pledges to rid No Deforestation from its supply chain, leading to dozens of similar commitments of other companies

Nestlé, prompted by a damaging campaign by Greenpeace linking their suppliers with deforestation, began working with us to help them align their practice with their values. Golden Agri-Resources soon joined as well, launching their own transformation journey.


Along with Greenpeace and GAR, we design the High Carbon Stock Approach, a clear methodology to identify forest in need of preservation.

Together with Golden Agricultural Resources and Greenpeace, TFT developed the High Conservation Stock model, going beyond the traditional method of valuing high carbon areas, potentially ensuring that more forest is protected.


TFT sets off on a mission to change the lives of smallholder farmers by launching the Rurality programme


Satellite technology joins the fight against deforestation. TFT and Airbus launch a monitoring service called Starling.


A movement awakens as TFT partners with Malaysian palm industry players to return thousands of foreign workers’ passports.

TFT’s work with palm plantations and mills led to hundreds of workers having their passports returned. This work sparked a fourth chain reaction, culminating in Wilmar returning 10,000 passports to their workers in 2018.


We dive into the Earth’s soils to make them fertile again, with two key projects in France and India


As TFT becomes Earthworm Foundation, we solidify our mission to cultivate life in forests, oceans and communities around the world