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In Indonesia, the establishment and operation of large-scale agricultural plantations and forestry projects often leads to serious conflicts with local communities and workers.

In Indonesia, the establishment and operation of large-scale agricultural plantations and forestry projects often leads to serious conflicts with local communities and workers.

Centre of Social Excellence (CSE) Indonesia

In Indonesia, the establishment and operation of large-scale agricultural plantations and forestry projects often leads to serious conflicts with local communities and workers.

For example, each year several hundred land conflicts are registered between Indonesian communities and palm oil companies, affecting thousands of households and numerous companies.

CSE Indonesia organises ‘Short courses’ and workshops for diverse stakeholders in order to transform relationships between stakeholders by developing knowledge, skills and new ways of thinking about natural resource management and production.

Having found that one of the key obstacles to greater dialogue in Indonesia is stakeholders’ lack of experience and confidence in collaborating and communicating across sectors, CSE Indonesia focuses on changing mindsets by bringing together key participants from different sectors in a safe space for collaborative interaction.

Key activities

Short courses

CSE Indonesia specialises in delivering ‘Short Courses’ lasting 3-10 days that bring together stakeholders from diverse perspectives, including companies, NGOs and government, to collaborate on social challenges in commodity production and natural resource management, explore ideas, and learn about key social issues and methodologies.

Multi-stakeholder workshops

Since 2015, CSE Indonesia has gained a strong reputation for its success in organising multi-stakeholder workshops that build trust and foster an openness to dialogue between groups and individuals from diverse and disparate sectors. In 2019, CSE Indonesia plans to launch an 11-month ‘Long Course’ for early-career professionals from across the country.


In its first two years, CSE Indonesia has carried-out eight ‘Short Courses’ which focus on building trust and openness to dialogue in multi-stakeholder workshops.
The transformation in the mindsets of participants in CSE workshops has been remarkable, with many becoming unique voices in favor of dialogue within their respective organizations and companies.

Daftar Mitra


Berita & Cerita

30 Jan 2019

Bringing companies and communities together in Indonesia

19 Jul 2018

Breaking ground: Stakeholders in Aceh Tamiang meet for the first time to discuss the future of one of Indonesia’s most threatened forest…

2 Des 2015

CSE Indonesia - working together for change