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Solutions exist to produce food and other commodities while restoring natural ecosystems. By scaling up these solutions, we can improve lives and positively impact the climate – but we need the power of supply chains to make it happen.

Solutions exist to produce food and other commodities while restoring natural ecosystems. By scaling up these solutions, we can improve lives and positively impact the climate – but we need the power of supply chains to make it happen.

Arah kerja kami

Visi kami berfokus pada keselarasan dan keseimbangan dimana paling diperlukan.

We help define policies that state what a company wants for its products
We support on transparency, traceability, grievance management, monitoring, and verification
We engage with suppliers and support better practices all the way to critical sourcing regions
We help communicate the journey of change

Our fieldwork in landscapes

We work alongside companies at the roots of their supply chains. With our feet in the field, working with farmers, local communities, governments, and partners to create regenerative practices on nature. We co-create regenerative agriculture practices and protect and conserve forests, promoting economic prosperity, and thus creating replicable cases of change in landscapes and sourcing regions.
