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Member since June 2015


The Colgate-Palmolive Company is a worldwide consumer products company known for its household, health care and personal care products, with global brands sold in over 200 countries and territories.

Colgate adopted a No Deforestation policy in March 2014 and became an Earthworm Foundation member the following year. In early 2016, Colgate began using the Engagement for Policy Implementation (EPI) tool to enhance progress on its supplier engagement and policy implementation. It also co-funded assessments with two suppliers in Ecuador and contributed to refinery transformation work in a major supplier’s supply shed in Indonesia.

During 2018-2019, Colgate scaled up transformation in strategic sourcing regions, with a focus on Indonesia. Please see the 'Our work' section below for more on this.

View Our Annual Member Report (2022 2023)


The current Earthworm Foundation-Colgate work plan focuses on the following objectives:

  • Palm oil, palm kernel oil, and palm derivatives traceability and transparency (includes biyearly traceability requests).
  • Engaging and tracking suppliers on progress towards NDPE policy implementation.
  • Supporting industry transformation through on-the-ground projects.

Key Milestones

Apr 2017

Colgate began tracing its derivatives supply and expanding its in-depth supplier engagement work via the Engagement for Policy Implementation programme (EPI) to its Thai suppliers. It also began supporting Earthworm’s Indonesian Landscape Initiative and funded a Centre for Social Excellence (CSE) training in Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia.

May 2018

Colgate began publishing a mill list for its top palm oil suppliers. It also continued to support transformation activities in Indonesia, including the Indonesia Landscape Initiative, a Support for Transformation (SFT) mill training and Earthworm Foundation's flagship smallholder programme, Rurality.

Sep 2019

Colgate achieved high levels of traceability to mill across the global palm oil supply chain: 100% for palm oil, 97% for palm kernel oil, and 53% for palm oil derivatives

Sep 2019

Colgate is engaging 100% of its palm oil and palm kernel oil suppliers in the EPI programme, in order to understand direct supplier progress on No Deforestation policy compliance, and engage suppliers in dialogue and action planning.

Our Work

Earthworm Foundation supports Colgate-Palmolive in adapting to an environment of increasingly shared responsibility across the palm oil industry by facilitating its efforts to trace its palm supply chains, engage its suppliers on the implementation of its responsible palm oil sourcing policy, and address instances of open grievances and high risk suppliers in its supply chain. This work enables Colgate to accurately and efficiently report on its efforts to meet expectations for transparency and industry-wide action.

Colgate in turn is supporting transformation through Earthworm initiatives that together represent a strategic and coordinated approach to on-the-ground change on key challenges in both its palm oil supply chain and in the greater palm industry. Colgate engages key suppliers on its own transformation activities, ensuring all nodes of the supply chain are held accountable for creating a sustainable palm industry.

During 2018-19 transformation activities have included:

- Smallholder engagement via Rurality in Indonesia;

- Areal Prioritas Transformasi (Landscapes) work in Indonesia;

- Centre of Social Excellence multi-stakeholder workshop in Aceh Tamiang

- Mill-level engagement through the Support for Transformation (SFT) model in Indonesia

News & Stories

Oct 8, 2024

Earthworm Foundation Convenes Roundtable Discussion on Ethical Recruitment in Sabah

Aug 18, 2023

Earthworm foundation collaborates with leading brands to boost sustainable agriculture in Indonesia

Jan 29, 2020

Despite challenges in meeting 2020 deforestation reduction targets, preservation of key landscapes remains possible and vital