pladis is a global snacking company home to brands such as McVitie’s, Ulker and a range of Godiva Chocolates for the grocery and convenience store aisles.
In 2018, pladis became a member of Earthworm Foundation. Working in partnership with Earthworm Foundation, pladis has strengthened its sourcing programmes through the development of a cross-commodity responsible sourcing policy and has gained increasingly greater levels of transparency through the palm oil supply chains.
Based on the traceability information received to date and in conjunction with Earthworm Foundation, pladis will continue to engage with its suppliers to ensure they have roadmaps detailing actions to be taken in order to ensure the implementation of NDPE commitments. Alongside this, in 2019, pladis will also support larger scale on the ground transformation programmes such as:
Creation and launch of pladis’ cross-commodity Responsible Sourcing Policy
Direct suppliers engagement on policy implementation and NDPE commitments
Contribution to Landscape program in Indonesia
Contribution to RESPECT program in Malaysia