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3M becomes TFT member
3M becomes TFT member
News Mar 5, 2015

Commitments are spread across entire operations

As of January 2019, TFT has become Earthworm Foundation

We are very pleased to announce that 3M has become a TFT member, marking a commitment to responsible procurement of pulp and paper products. 3M’s policy applies to its entire pulp and paper supply chain and commits to sourcing paper-based products that are legal, traceable, not associated with deforestation or harm to high conservation values, and respect workers and indigenous people’s rights.

In order to manage this commitment it has launched a new Pulp and Paper Sourcing Policy which will be implemented across its entire operations. The new policy is designed to ensure all the virgin wood fibre going into 3M’s paper and packaging comes from well-managed forests that have no link to deforestation or illegal operations.

The policy includes protection of High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests and High Conservation Values (HCV) such as endangered species habitat and rare ecosystems.

The policy also looks to tackle any social concerns in 3M’s supply chain, with a set of strong standards that include respect for workers’ rights and indigenous peoples’ rights to Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) to operations on their traditional lands.

3M has operations in more than 70 countries, with over 5,000 paper and packaging suppliers across North America, Asia, Latin America and Europe. Each supplier has its own manufacturing facilities and supply chains, meaning implementation of the new policy is complex work. We are supporting 3M to do exactly that.

The work has already begun through the process of mapping 3M’s supply chains back to harvest source, while evaluating the performance of its suppliers against the new policy. We will now begin work with 3M to engage with its direct and indirect suppliers, supporting them to set up their own responsible fibre sourcing programmes.

TFT founder Scott Poynton says: “A far-reaching commitment to No Deforestation from a global consumer goods innovator like 3M demonstrates willingness to transform. We will support 3M to make its new policy a reality out in the field.”

As part of 3M’s transparency it will publish progress reports every six months. These will be made available on the 3M and TFT websites.

Announcement on 3M’s website

3M Pulp and Paper Sourcing Policy

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Areas of work:
Healthy Forests Respected Workers Resilient Farmers

Pulp & Paper


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