With support from Alcoa Foundation, Earthworm’s Centre of Social Excellence (CSE), Africa has trained 20 community leaders in the Boké mining region on the social aspects of mining operations.
Following two classes of social practitioners trained in Cameroon, a short session targeting community leaders in Boké was held from 14 to 25 November 2022. The training was inspired by the need to complete the network of local stakeholders, particularly at the community level, in territories affected by mining operations.
The objective of the training was to build the capacity of community leaders in mining municipalities so that they know the rights of their communities and their involvement in decision-making. Ultimately, the aim was to enable them to fully participate in local development.
The training session gathered participants from the main community groups in the Boké region that are most affected by mining operations. Participants were trained on key topics such as local context, conflict management and grievance mechanisms, with a field exercise on regenerative agriculture.
“We have learned a lot about mediation between communities and mining companies. Back in our communities, we really want to bring about change,” said Habibatou Keita, spokesperson of the class. “Because what we have learned here, we would not only like it to remain at our level but to affect all our communities.”