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Earthworm Advances on Socfin Field Investigations - Phase 1 Complete and Phase 2 Set to Begin in Multiple Countries
Earthworm Advances on Socfin Field Investigations - Phase 1 Complete and Phase 2 Set to Begin in Multiple Countries
News Aug 28, 2023

Earthworm Advances on Socfin Field Investigations - Phase 1 Complete and Phase 2 Set to Begin in Multiple Countries

Earthworm Foundation has just completed Phase 1 of the investigations, as announced by the publication of the summaries of our findings for SOCAPALM Dibombari in Cameroon and SRC in Liberia.

The action plans for the sites concerned by Phase 1 have also been published by Socfin.

Initially scheduled to start in July 2023, phase 2 of our investigations will start in September 2023 and will concern the following countries: Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Cambodia and Cameroon.

Earthworm respects and applies the principle of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). For all the investigations that will be carried out, Earthworm Foundation will contact the communities and the stakeholders who raised the grievances in order to understand the concerns and examine all the evidence.

As with Phase 1, summaries of our findings will be made public by Earthworm Foundation, and Socfin will publish action plans for each site investigated.

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