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Groupe Rocher and Earthworm to work on improving the company’s palm oil supply chain
Groupe Rocher and Earthworm to work on improving the company’s palm oil supply chain
News Aug 28, 2020

Earthworm Foundation is pleased to announce that Groupe Rocher – a French beauty, well-being and clothing company – is now an Earthworm member.

In the coming months, Groupe Rocher and Earthworm will focus on the company’s strategy, traceability and transformation within the palm oil supply chain; specifically supporting transformation projects in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Groupe Rocher started their collaboration with Earthworm in 2015 to work on a responsible palm oil supply chain. To that end, they supported landscape-level transformation in Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia, as well as empowering civil society to monitor drivers and impacts of deforestation in Johor, Malaysia.

This collaboration extended to the cotton supply chain in 2019, when Earthworm began working with Petit Bateau, a Groupe Rocher-owned clothing brand. Since then, Earthworm has focused on traceability to better understand the social, environmental and economic challenges in Groupe Rocher’s cotton supply chain.

In December 2019, Groupe Rocher legally adopted the status of a “mission-driven company” as part of the PACTE Act in France. Companies with this status incorporate social and environmental objectives in their business goals, with quantified objectives, monitoring procedures and governance.

“By becoming a mission-driven company, Groupe Rocher has shown that its long-term vision supports the wellbeing of this planet and its people”, said Earthworm CEO Bastien Sachet.

“Cultivating the prosperity and uniqueness of the various terroirs companies connect with through their raw materials is a fundamental pillar of protecting and regenerating people and nature.”

As a progression of this journey, in 2020, Groupe Rocher and Earthworm Foundation will continue to add value to landscapes in Indonesia and Malaysia. In Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia – bordering the incredibly biodiverse Leuser Ecosystem – Groupe Rocher will support a programme to balance development, conservation and good social practices. Over in Sabah, Malaysia, Groupe Rocher will support work empowering farmers to reduce human-wildlife conflict and increase their income. Earthworm will also support Groupe Rocher to reach its main commitment – reconnect people to nature – providing strategic expertise and guidance on its supply chains.

Convinced that responsible development is the key to a better future, Groupe Rocher CEO Bris Rocher commits to focus the group’s efforts in this direction.

“In an increasingly urbanized and digitized world, it is essential to return to fundamentals and give back to nature the place it deserves. Brands like ours must ensure that we work together with key stakeholders to bring back health to the places we source our commodities from. Indeed, nature has a positive impact on the well-being of people and therefore on their desire to act for the planet. Our “raison d’être” and this ambition to reconnect people to nature must therefore be at the heart of all our actions. I am convinced that doing this will help build a better world,” Bris Rocher said.

To find out more about our work with Groupe Rocher, visit their member page.

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Areas of work:
Healthy Forests Resilient Farmers

Palm oil

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