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High Carbon Stock Approach Toolkit launched
High Carbon Stock Approach Toolkit launched
News Apr 2, 2015

The Toolkit will enable the widespread adoption of the HCS Approach

Practical guidance on how to identify forests for conservation is now available to commodity producing companies around the world for the first time. The guidance is in the form of a detailed toolkit published today, which sets out how to implement the High Carbon Stock (HCS) Approach in producer operations. The HCS Approach – or HCS methodology – was established to help companies implement their commitments to end deforestation in the supply chain, as well as meet their plantation development needs.

The HCS Approach Toolkit has been developed by the HCS Approach Steering Group, a unique collaboration between major plantation companies with commitments to eliminate deforestation, along with NGOs and TFT. This includes Golden Agri-Resources, Asia Pulp and Paper, Wilmar International Limited, Greenpeace, Agropalma, WWF, the Forest Peoples Programme, Rainforest Action Network, Unilever. Established in Singapore in 2014, the Steering Group is working to oversee the governance and standardisation of the HCS Approach to achieve a halt to deforestation.

Full HCS Approach Toolkit announcement press release

Download the HCS Approach Toolkit

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