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Indonesia’s PT. Dwimajaya Utama achieves FSC certification
Indonesia’s PT. Dwimajaya Utama achieves FSC certification
News Jan 14, 2013

PT. Dwimajaya Utama, a TFT forest and logging unit of Dwima Group, has achieved Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for as much as 140,920 m³ logs. Dwimajaya Utama is the tenth natural forest in Indonesia to become recognised by the global sustainability scheme and is also TFT’s 10th forest project in Indonesia to achieve FSC.

The milestone is the result of a number of years of intensive collaboration between PT. Dwimajaya Utama and TFT, and further cements the company’s commitment to strict social and environmental standards, including good forest management and respect for workers’ rights.

“Demand for certified FSC timber is far greater than the supply available,” said Haris Yuniawan, PT. Dwimajaya Utama’s liaison officer, who is optimistic that FSC certification could lead to higher sales volumes, particularly in eco-conscious overseas markets such as the European Union and Australia.

PT. Dwimajaya Utama is a 127,300 hectare concession that supplies four main commercial species to the market: Bangkirai (Shorea laevis), Red Meranti (Shorea spp), Mersawa (Anisoptera spp) and Keruing (Dipterocarpus spp). Located in Central Kalimantan’s upper Katingan watershed, the area is an important habitat for protected plants and animals, including orangutans, Bornean Gibbons, Clouded Leopards and Helmeted Hornbills. TFT’s Natural Forest Team – Didik Prasetyo, Yadi Kuswandana, Arief Perkasa, Oktovianus Rusmin and Bayu Nurcahya – has partnered with PT. Dwimajaya Utama’s to assist, facilitate and help prepare it to meet FSC standards. Although the final audits were held in June and November 2012, TFT will continue to maintain communication with PT. Dwimajaya Utama.

The process was also supported by several third party organisations, such as Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade (RAFT), The Borneo Initiative (TBI), the Nature Conservancy (TNC), Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF), Ideas, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and The University of Palangkaraya (UNPAR).

TFT now begins work in Dwima Group’s neighbouring Carus concession, covering 72,170 hectares.
Other TFT projects to achieve FSC certification include five Perum Perhutani forests in Java, and three community projects, including Dipantara and Kostajasa.

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Areas of work:
Healthy Forests


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