We continue to support our Member, Socfin, in their commitment to sustainable and responsible management. As part of this effort, we have conducted a field investigation to address environmental and social grievances against the Socfin-KCD and Coviphama plantations in Cambodia.
We invite you to read the report of this field investigation. The document includes our findings, progress assessments, and recommendations for future improvements.
Our investigations are part of a broader initiative that includes multiple phases:
- Phase 1 (March to June 2023): Focused on Salala Rubber Corporation (SRC) in Liberia and SOCAPALM Dibombari in Cameroon.
- Phase 2 (Starting August 2023): Expanded to include SAFACAM and SOCAPALM (Edéa, Mbongo & Mbambou) in Cameroon, Liberian Agricultural Company (LAC), SAC in Sierra Leone, OKOMU in Nigeria, and Socfin-KCD and Coviphama in Cambodia.
The field investigations for phase 2 are now complete, and nearly all of the reports have been published. We are finalising the reports for SOCAPALM (Edéa, Mbongo & Mbambou) in Cameroon. Once the reports are published, Socfin will publish action plans for each site investigated. This approach aligns with our joint commitment to transparency and continuous improvement.
For more information, please contact: socfin.investigation@earthworm.org