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Towards Collaboration and Transparency
Towards Collaboration and Transparency
News Oct 23, 2018

Since January 2019, TFT has become Earthworm Foundation.

On October 22, 2018, Louis Dreyfus Company in collaboration with TFT held a sustainability workshop at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta. The objective of the workshop was to refresh the suppliers on LDC's Palm Sustainability Policy as well as to introduce TFT's Tools for Transformation Self-Assessment. The event was attended by 30 participants, representing 20 parent groups (35 mills) that supply to LDC-owned refineries in Indonesia.

During his opening remarks, LDC Indonesia President Director Rubens Marques emphasised the importance of implementing sustainability practices. The current customer behaviour towards responsible and sustainable products has created an extensive change in the market for such products. He also acknowledged that only with collaboration with all stakeholders, particularly the suppliers, can we make the change happen.

LDC Indonesia Sustainability Manager Denny Turino presented the components of LDC Palm Sustainability Policy. He also explained that LDC seeks continuous improvement from the suppliers. In case of violation, LDC will prioritise engagement and discussion of improvements with the suppliers.

Tools for Transformation Self-Assessment supports LDC in collaborating with suppliers. By suppliers filling in the Tools for Transformation Self-Assessment, LDC would have an understanding of the challenges experienced by them, and could provide support in overcoming the identified challenges. The participants were actively engaged during the presentation. Based on workshop input, they perceived Tools for Transformation Self-Assessment as a strategic tool that assists them in gathering information in a more efficient way from suppliers, and one that provides resources to help improve existing practices in a timely manner in line with industry best practices.

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