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News & Stories

Jan 30, 2019

Bringing companies and communities together in Indonesia

Jan 27, 2019

The Forest Trust announces major rebrand and a broader strategic direction

Jan 24, 2019

A message from the CEO of Earthworm Foundation

Jan 11, 2019

How Rurality is supporting farmers in Peru

Dec 31, 2018

Earthworm Foundation's 2018 analysis of British, German, French, Belgian and Polish charcoal markets.

Dec 19, 2018

CSE's latest conflict mediation training in Cameroon

Dec 19, 2018

The Forest Trust and Transparence announce new partnership to strengthen transformation in extractive supply chains

Dec 6, 2018

American Forest Foundation and The Forest Trust announce partnership to advance sustainable supply chains

Dec 6, 2018

Introducing ‘Mitti Bole’, Soil Speaks, a new programme to revitalise India’s degenerated soil

Dec 5, 2018

Living soils for now and for the future

Nov 21, 2018

TFT supports palm oil company, Ladang Rakyat Terengganu, become first company in the state to return passports to its migrant workers

Nov 15, 2018

Protecting forests by supporting palm oil suppliers in Mexico