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Swiss agriculture accelerates carbon footprint reduction with AgroImpact
Swiss agriculture accelerates carbon footprint reduction with AgroImpact
News Jun 26, 2024

Swiss agriculture accelerates carbon footprint reduction with AgroImpact

4 min read

Lausanne, June 2024 - On January 10th, the founding members of the AgroImpact association, including the Chambers of Agriculture in the Romandy region, WWF Switzerland, Earthworm Foundation and Nestlé, along with the Canton of Vaud, announced the creation of this unique intersectoral alliance.

AgroImpact aims to support Swiss agriculture in its climate transition. The project is now fully operational with a premium system for farmers who commit to reducing their carbon footprint. Already, 183 farms have signed up, and 12 new members have joined the association.

Certificate Presentation to Farmers Committed to Climate Action. AgroImpact Offices, Lausanne, June 2024. From left to right: Marc Benoît, President of PROLAIT, Claude Baehler, President of AgroImpact, Yann Morel, Farmer and Winegrower, Aude Jarabo, Director of AgroImpact, Daniel Imhof, Head of Agricultural Affairs at Nestlé Switzerland. © Pablo Bovy - AgroImpact

AgroImpact propose aux exploitations agricoles volontaires la réalisation d’une analyse détaillée de leurs émissions mais aussi de la capacité de stockage du carbone dans leur sol, ce qui leur permet de connaître avec précision l’empreinte totale (les émissions moins le stockage) de leur domaine agricole. Sur la base de ce bilan carbone complet, et avec le soutien d’AgroImpact, les agricultrices et agriculteurs peuvent ensuite s’engager à mettre en œuvre un plan d’action personnalisé pour réduire leur empreinte climatique. La méthodologie scientifique rigoureuse d’AgroImpact est basée sur les standards du GIEC et les exigences de la Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI). Le dispositif du projet est désormais pleinement opérationnel grâce à la mise en place du système de versement de primes climatiques aux agricultrices et agriculteurs participant(e)s.

AgroImpact's Approach

AgroImpact offers participating farms a detailed analysis of their emissions and soil carbon storage capacity. This helps farmers understand their total carbon footprint (emissions minus storage). With this comprehensive carbon assessment and support from AgroImpact, farmers can implement personalised action plans to reduce their climate impact. AgroImpact's rigorous scientific methodology is based on IPCC standards and the Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTI). The project's premium payment system for participating farmers is now fully functional.

Concrete Start with Nestlé

As a founding member and representative of the industry and commerce sector on the Committee, Nestlé has played a key role in launching the AgroImpact project. Nestlé will provide participating farms with climate premiums, calculated by AgroImpact based on their level of carbon reduction and the type of produce supplied. This initiative will cover nearly all the raw materials Nestlé purchases annually in Switzerland, including approximately 95 million litres of milk, 35,000 tons of beetroot, 10,000 tons of wheat, and nearly 1,300 tons of sunflower. This direct support from Nestlé to participating farmers will amount to over 2.3 million francs annually.

Sucre Suisse and Groupe Minoteries have also joined the project, committing to pay premiums for 40,000 tons of beets and 1,000 tons of wheat per year, respectively.

Increased Participation from Farms

Currently, 183 farms have registered for a complete carbon assessment in the cantons of Vaud (96), Geneva (43), Fribourg (34), and Neuchâtel (10). Among these, 20 have already adopted personalised climate action plans, collectively achieving a reduction of 1605 tons of CO2 equivalent (approximately 320 car trips worldwide) and receiving around 120,000 francs in annual premiums across 1,215 hectares (equivalent to 2,250 football fields). These action plans have led to carbon footprint reductions of up to 103%, meaning that some farms are absorbing more carbon than they emit. Additionally, 21 advisors from agricultural chambers and cantonal extensions are currently supporting the participating farms. Registrations for carbon assessments will soon open in the Canton of Jura.

About AgroImpact

Established in December 2023 with the support of the Canton of Vaud, AgroImpact brings together stakeholders from across the value chain with a common mission: to support the climate transition of Swiss agriculture. It offers voluntary farms a complete carbon assessment and supports the implementation of personalized measures to effectively and sustainably reduce their climate footprint. Its rigorous scientific methodology is based on IPCC standards and the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTI). Its founding members include Agora, AGRIDEA, Agri Fribourg Freiburg, AgriGenève, AgriJura, the Valais Chamber of Agriculture, the Jura Bernois Chamber of Agriculture, the Neuchâtel Chamber of Agriculture and Viticulture, Earthworm Foundation, EPFL, the Swiss Cereal Producers Federation, HEG-Geneva, HEPIA, Nestlé Switzerland, Proconseil, PROLAIT, Prométerre, the Union Fruitière Lémanique, and WWF Switzerland.

For more information, visit

Media Contacts

  • Aude Jarabo, Director of AgroImpact, +41 78 330 10 30,
  • Guillaume Roud, Media Relations Manager, Nestlé Switzerland, +41 21 924 59 50,
  • Alexandre Truffer, Communications Director, Prométerre, +41 79 508 87 57,
  • Sophie Sandoz, Communications Officer, WWF Switzerland, +41 21 966 73 71,

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