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Value chains free from exploitation

Value chains free from exploitation

Respected workers

From migrant workers denied access to their passports to child labourers working in hazardous conditions, the exploitation of people is a huge issue in global value chains. Labour issues can focus on various things, such as migrant workers, family work, forced labour, long working hours and very low wages.

Although labour is a huge issue, small changes can make a big difference in these peoples’ lives. Global value chains have an impact on people – we believe it should be a positive one.

However, a lack of rights and enforcement in the workplace around workers’ pay, status and benefits as an employee remain an issue, as does a lack of protection from dangerous chemicals and machinery required for the job.

We want to see everyone in the value chain benefit from their association with global brands. As many of these people work in the informal sector, many tiers down the supply chain, achieving this requires engaging many stakeholders with facts and tools to encourage them to buy into what we are doing.


71% of modern slavery victims are women (ILO).
152 million children between the age of 5-17 are in child labour of which 73 million are in hazardous work. 70% of these are in agriculture.
Work-related injury and illness causes 2.3 million deaths per year.

Our work

We build solutions in collaboration with sites such as plantations or mines, train workers and supervisors, and review processes to change working practices for the better. Auditing is seen by many as a solution, but we see that as a tool - real change needs to go far beyond an audit.

Our Projects

Labour Transformation Programme (LTP)

Labour Transformation Programme (LTP) in Malaysia

News & Stories

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