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For most EU consumers, shrimp is now considered as common food, and few people question its origin or the way it is produced. Contrary to popular belief, most shrimp is farmed and not fished: more than half of the global production (8.2 million tonnes) comes from seafood farms – or aquaculture. Combined with growing aquaculture production worldwide, "feeding the world" comes at a social and an environmental cost.


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80% of the global production is located in Asia

40% of French imports are coming from Ecuador

70% of mangrove destruction due to shrimp farming

Our work

Since 2019, Earthworm and its partners have been working to make shrimp farming more respectful of people and the environment, particularly in Ecuador. We have several ongoing projects:

Mr. Goodfish

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Shrimp working group

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Agence Française de Développement

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Collecte Localisation Satellite

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News & Stories

A Collaborative Effort to Build a Sustainable Shrimp Supply Chain - From Ecuador to France

Dec 18, 2023

Auchan, BioMar and Earthworm have joined forces to develop a new product line that sets a new standard for responsible shrimp.

Apr 27, 2022

BioMar and Earthworm Foundation Launch Responsibly Sourced Shrimp Project