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ADM palm oil and soy update
ADM palm oil and soy update
News 03/12/2015

ADM publish update on the progress made in implementing its palm oil and soy policies.

US-based ADM buys and trades a significant amount of palm oil and soy. Part of its work involves improving the quality of crops in its global supply chain, as well as the lives of farmers and communities growing them, and the environment in which they are grown.

ADM became a TFT member in May 2015 and committed to No DPE (that’s No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation). The company has now published a report explaining the progress it has made in implementing its policy.

The progress report details how ADM first reviewed and assessed all its direct suppliers by carrying out a global assessment of all the countries in which it sources, processes, and stores palm oil and soy. This information was used to create an action plan to engage and support its suppliers to meet its policy. Over the next quarter, we will work with ADM to help improve its traceability and ensure suppliers have action plans in place to help them comply with ADM’s No Deforestation policy.

ADM recognises traceability to mill is only the first step toward full compliance with the commitments, and that extensive engagement with its direct suppliers, and support for their work with palm oil refineries, mills, and plantations will be necessary to reach compliance across its global supply chain. ADM will continue its commitment to providing regular updates on its work, and encourages stakeholders to offer feedback via email.

ADM Palm Oil Progress Report Q4-2015

ADM Soy Progress Report_Q4-2015

Notícias relacionadas:

Área de atuação:
Healthy Forests Agricultores resilientes

Óleo de Palma

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