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Givaudan becomes a TFT member
Givaudan becomes a TFT member
News 26/10/2017

World’s leading flavours and fragrance company steps up responsible sourcing across its global operations.

Since January 2019, TFT has become Earthworm Foundation.

Givaudan, a leading creator of flavours and fragrances, has this week announced the ambitious target that 90% of its raw materials volume of natural origin will be responsibly sourced by 2020. It has also become one of our members. We will be supporting Givaudan in implementing its Responsible Sourcing Programme through supply chain assessments and, where needed, co-designing innovative solutions with supply chain partners that create value for all.

The first of its kind for the flavours and fragrances industry, the announcement follows the 2016 launch of Givaudan’s Responsible Sourcing Programme. This programme considers some 10,000 raw materials that are sourced from locations around the globe including China, Brazil, Paraguay, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt and Madagascar. These raw materials are essential for the creation of many different flavours and fragrances used in foods, beverages and perfumes.

“The work we’re doing with Givaudan involves firstly, the establishment of a framework to effectively and efficiently achieve responsible sourcing”, said Rob McWilliam, Senior Manager at TFT. “From this foundation, we’ll be working with Givaudan buyers and suppliers to help improve current practices through innovation and education.”

Givaudan’s Responsible Sourcing Policy is the result of an extensive period of collaboration with customers, staff and NGOs. Givaudan wants to create value for everyone in the supply chain – from growers to processers and end customers.

“We see the journey towards responsible sourcing as a process of continuous improvement as well as an opportunity to transform our industry,” said Johannes Rogaar, Givaudan’s Global Head of Procurement Excellence. “We are really pleased to be working with TFT to promote the creation of shared value for all, including our customers, suppliers and all who participate in producing our raw materials.”

“What Givaudan is doing here is a real step forward for the flavours and fragrances industry; we haven’t yet seen similar commitments made by any other player, and I commend them for it,” says Bastien Sachet, Chief Executive of TFT. “I hope this will be the start of a chain reaction in the industry, where others will look to Givaudan’s example and want to be involved.”

More about Givaudan’s Responsible Sourcing Programme

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