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Nestlé publishes six-month progress report on palm oil
Nestlé publishes six-month progress report on palm oil
News 06/11/2013

Strong progress being made across global supplier base.

The latest update from TFT palm oil member Nestlé shows the strong progress being made on bringing about greater transparency in its supply chain.

TFT field teams have been working on the ground with Nestlé since 2010, mapping its global palm oil supply chain and working closely with Nestlé’s suppliers in the implementation of its Responsible Sourcing Guidelines. To date, we have engaged with suppliers covering 80% of Nestlé’s palm oil volume, and 45% of Nestlé’s palm oil is now traceable back to at least the mill.

Nestle progress report-Autumn 2013

Notícias relacionadas:

Área de atuação:
Healthy Forests

Óleo de Palma


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